Monday, 18 September 2017

Recycling in Riyadh

I wanted to share what I had researched with you about being responsible regarding the environment whilst living in Riyadh. I hope it is of benefit.
Please read the separate pages found on the right of the blog.

a.       Muslims’ Responsibility to the Environment
b.      The 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
c.       Why Recycle?
d.      What to recycle?
1.       Paper/card/boxes
2.       Glass
3.       Plastics (bottles, )
4.       Aluminium
5.       Clothes
6.       Furniture
7.       Old carrier bags
8.       Left-over food fit for consumption
9.       Food scraps to compost
10.   Electronics, batteries

e.      Where to recycle in Riyadh:
1.       Paper
2.       Glass
3.       Plastics
4.       Aluminium
5.       Misc. (carrier bags, hangers – return them to the Launderette…)
f.        Responsible behaviour – how you can help the environment
g.       Saudi Government Policies. Cleanliness.

Recycling Station in the North of Riyadh

Alber (البر) Charity Recycling centre Google maps: