Left Over Party Food

Any food left over from a party that is clean can be collected by a company in Riyadh who distribute it to poor families instead of being wasted and thrown away.

They have a few branches and can be contacted on the following numbers:

Central Riyadh 011 488 0573

East Riyadh 053 222 4095

General Number 0555456775

Twitter: @Faeth_63am

من الشكر العملي للنعمة حفظ ما يزيد منها وإيصاله للمحتاجين والفقراء ، وبالشكر تدوم النعم وتزيد .

Giving physical thanks for the blessings is by preserving the extra blessings and giving them to the poor and needy. By giving thanks the blessings continue and increase.

بقايا / فايض / طعام / أكل / حفظ / نعمة / النعمة / جمعية خيرية / فقير / محتاج .
Important words: leftovers, surplus, food, preserve, blessings, charity, poor, needy.

Recycling Station in the North of Riyadh

Alber (البر) Charity Recycling centre Google maps: https://goo.gl/maps/9m7DBBsPbMN2